Well. Damn.

So, it’s time for another cycle! I was able to figure out my finances and get two more cycles.

However, I may have messed up. I think I ovulated last night.

Let me explain. My cycle is odd, and I never get a “positive stick change.” They darken ever so slightly, but OPKs are not like Pregnancy Tests – if it’s only a slight line, it’s not considered a positive. Mine never change properly unless I’ve had a trigger shot. My doctor and I have discussed this in the past. Yesterday morning, I have about a .24 LH level, which is low, even for my positives. So I didn’t call because I didn’t consider it to be a positive, and historically, I ovulate today, CD 16.

Last night, I started cramping really badly. And I knew I ovulated. I took another OPK and it was about .46 which is about what I expect it to be. I took one this morning, and it was about .31. It is a little painful to sit down hard, though. Like there’s something in my cervical area. It feels strange.

I have a feeling I’m out this month, which stinks, but I have to make sure I’m giving myself the best chance possible. I think what threw it off was that the Clomid was doubled this month. We shall see. Cross your fingers for me. ❤

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