14 week Update!

It has been so long since I’ve updated you, world! I’m so sorry, things have just gotten so crazy since my last.

First, I did a NIPT (Non Invasive Prenatal Testing) test to tell me if baby would have any chromosomal abnormalities (like Down’s, Turner’s, etc.). They all came back negative, which means baby has a very low risk (1 in 10,000)!

It also told me baby’s gender, which I wasn’t allowed to know until last Saturday even though the tests came back last Monday. In the middle of that, I got to have my three hour glucose test for Gestational Diabetes since I failed my one hour.

I failed that one, too, so I got to see a Specialist and a Dietitian.

But then Saturday! Guess what, all! It’s a BOY!


The Specialist was first and it was…awful. He was really demeaning and sounded like he was kind of tired of this process and hopeless. He said that I was probably diabetic and not diagnosed (my numbers have always been fine, I get them checked every six months), he made a c-section sound inevitable, and he also said he will likely take me up to 4 weeks early. To name a few choice morsels. He kept saying “someone like you” about ten times, and it was always in a “you should expect this” kind of tone.

I went out to the car with mum (thank goodness she was with me), and bawled. This was all after I got to see an ultrasound of my baby boy. So all that wonderful good feeling he eked away.

Oh, but he was moving. The baby was moving so much! He lifted his chin like “hey, ‘sup” and waved his long arms and omg he was beautiful. I am so so so in love with him, which is so surreal.

Since I was feeling so crappy after seeing the Specialist (who I will not be seeing again. I will definitely be moving to someone else.), mum and I went to Target and added some boy clothes to the registry, then to WalMart and wound up picking up some absolutely adorable outfits. I’m still in shock that I’m going to be a boy mom. It’s surreal – I was expecting to have a girl mostly because everyone else has been having boys! I was expecting to be disappointed, but I’m really not, which is a relief. I’m just so happy he’s doing well.

I just have to watch what I eat for us.

The Dietitian I saw was the polar opposite of the Specialist. She was amazing, and really understanding. She got me the meter I need to track my blood sugar and just sat down and gave me a good game plan that I’m trying hard to follow. My blood sugar is mostly nice and low. After lunch was the worst, but I have a feeling that was because of my Star Crunch that I had as a dessert. Apparently, I’m not allowed sweets which really sucks.

So that’s the big baby update! I hope you’re doing well out there, and I hope you have a great weekend! My energy is back in full force and this weekend I head down to the Renaissance Faire to hang out with my LARP friends. ❤ Taking full advantage!

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