Is This Real Life?

Holy. Shit.

No period. I tested yesterday morning and THERE. WAS. A. LINE. It’s extraordinarily faint, but it’s definitely there. I’m only a day late today on my period (AND IT’S LATE!), so it’s still really early. I’m tempted to get a digital test just to see the word.

I’m also really bad as literally EVERYONE I’ve run into now knows.

I’m Pregnant.

It doesn’t feel real. My brother and SIL were a little underwhelmed (he claims that he’s a “realist”). I should have waited. But I don’t care. I’m pregnant! I know the chances of losing my little Pumpkin, and I hope and pray that I won’t. It still means I can get pregnant, even with how wonky this cycle was!

I already let my doctor know (I so wish I could see her face when she hears), so hopefully she’ll call for some bloodwork and such. Another SMC friend advised Calcium supplements, and I’m already on prenatals. I’m trying to go through my checklist while still existing in the moment.

My God, thank you! I’m pregnant!