Relationship Goals


How awesome is this list? Mr. Adorkable shared it with me and now I’m trying to get it printed out so I can have a copy to keep and check off as we do these things. I’m such a nerd. :p

Yesterday was a weird day – I got really busy at work doing some projects and I forgot to take my breaks until like the last hour of work. I love days like that, where I can get totally lost in a project that I miss time passing. Anything less than that and I’m wanting to do something unpleasant to make it seem not so bad.

Now just to distract myself for the next two (long) weekends and my birthday as Mr. Adorkable can’t come down and I can’t go up. :/

Just that statement alone makes me really want to reexamine this blog.

I created it because I was facing a lot of changes – or wanted to. I wanted to lose weight and I wanted to finish a novel and I wanted to become a mother – a single mother by choice. None of those goals have changed, not one notch, except for the “single” part. Being with Mr. Adorkable has really solidified a belief in love and fate and all the gushy stuff. The more I get to know him, the more I want to see him as a father. The more I want to marry him (I’m good with either order, but the marriage part would be nice to be first, if only to state that I really love him and I wouldn’t be marrying him just because of a baby). Being so far away is hard, but I’m not sure I’d be at this point if we lived in the same place – it’s like ramping up on an addictive drug. I’m needing my fix more, saying goodbye sucks more than anything else I could have ever thought of. He knows me more than I ever thought a guy ever could – more than I thought anyone ever could.

I need to get my heart and head under control, though. Not everyone moves at the same pace I do. Everyone I know thinks it’s too soon to be talking marriage, let alone knowing that I’d say yes if he asked tonight. I don’t know what he thinks, though – he was worried kissing me on the third date might be too soon. But I’ve made it very clear that he’s it for me.

It’s nothing like I thought it would be. I still have my independence, I still have my own goals and dreams, they’re just rearranged a bit. But I have a guy who loves me, appreciates my quirks and respects my own goals and dreams, as I respect his. I was scared, I think, that I might disappear into the other person, that I would become a faceless couple known more by the “himandher” rather than “Him and Her.”

And I have one thing to say about it:

Thank God.


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